E-book publication through Blessed Hardcore Press

Internet is the new media of our coming century, where electronic reading overpass the reading in paper and that's a good thing. Millions of people are connected everyday browsing various sites, the internet brings culture and chosen content to your eyes balls.

It's also an incredible way to discover new things, to share feelings, to ecounter new websites, to find new subjects of interests, it's a god thing for the musicians on the web and for anybody who got a internet space to express in total freedom what they have to say despite the electronic age we lived in.

Read the full text of the second part (requires adobe acrobat reader) right there

On this occasion, we think to extend our website content to other subjects, to a more readable content as this space is dedicated to text and writting, and it opens new spaces for communicate something else than on the usuals blog post concerning various news. This is a space for a kind of open book with memories and feeling more in the academical way, like a kind of book which gives impressions recorded on text about music and other subjects.

This is also the place for eventual publication of e-books for writtings of fictions on a totally different matters, as the freedom to express ourselves is one of our basic rights in democratic countries, we do not censure the content of our publications, mainly this e-book which contain frequent explicit language.

You will find a publication of this material in e-book and we will frequently update this site to a beautiful conten more cultural in a sense and more open minded.

Read the full text in PDF format (require adobe acrobat reader) right there

A Space For Experimental Writting

This space of the website is dedicated to writtings, all sorts of writting linked to music, musicians feelings toward their art, concert anecdotes, rememberances about a sound recording session. This is a new space for artistic expression and for more text coming from simple people, musicians, artists and the way they remember a special feeling about Art. For sharing and communicating emotions with text/art.

Blogs Death666 Website

Creative Commons License
Speed Grape/red Light BubbleGum/MoonLight AliceBlue/Metonome Moon Shadow by Blessed Hardcore Press/MF is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 France License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://death666rec.chez.com/news/fiction.html. Use OpenOffice.org